Puppy Love - established as an offshoot of Friends of Culver City Animals, pairs senior residents with trained dogs for regular home visits, scheduled walks, exercise, social contact and companionship. This successful program has enabled senior residents who are unable to adopt a dog of their own to still enjoy the companionship of a small dog without the responsibility.
Culver City Cares - created after Hurricane Katrinais a networking service offered by Friends of Culver City Animals at the time of a fire, typhoon, earthquake, hurricane or other emergency. Culver City Cares provides animal-related donation information to residents wanting to help animals at the time of a national emergency, such as Typhoon Haiyan that struck the Philippines in November 2013.
Sacks of Love - is a subgroup of Friends of Culver City Animals that delivers bags of food, water, blankets, towels, toys, leashes, flea control medication, bowls and shampoo to homeless people with pets.
Smart 911 - participated in the local launch and promotion of the Smart911 program (www.smart911.com) that allows residents to create a safety profile online that is connected to a cellphone number or land line. That profile is displayed on a dispatcher’s screen when that number calls 911 and can include a person’s medical conditions, the location of rooms in the home, names and contact information of family members and friends, and details about pets living at the home.