Useful Legal Information
For information on local laws see Culver City, California Code of Ordinaces. For information on California state law. Animal Abandonment: Anyone who abandons an animal is subject to a $500 fine and/or up to six months in jail. (California Penal Code Sec. 597S). Backyard Breeder -- Dog Breeding License Required: Any person, except for someone having a valid kennel license who, for pay or other compensation, breeds a female dog must obtain an animal breeding permit. The permit fee is $125. In order to prevent the over-breeding of animals, each permit authorizes the whelping of no more than one litter per female dog in any 12-month period and no more than one litter per domestic household in any 12-month period. (Los Angeles County Code Title 10, Sec. 10.20.045 and 10.90.010). Barking Dogs: Any pet owner or custodian who allows a dog to bark continuously or for an extended period of time in a manner that annoys the neighbors and disturbs the peace and tranquility of the neighborhood may be guilty of allowing a public nuisance and punishable by a misdemeanor with a fine of up to $1000 and/or six months in jail. (California Penal Code 373A and L. A. County Code Sec. 10.40.065) Confining Animals in a Car: Anyone who leaves or confines an animal in an unattended vehicle that endangers the health or well-being of the animal may be guilty of either an infraction or a misdemeanor, depending on the circumstances. (California Penal Code 597.7) Dangerous Dogs: Dogs that constitute a public menace may be impounded and removed from the custody of their owner. The Department may file a petition with the Municipal Court to determine the disposition of an animal considered to be dangerous. The owner of such an animal may be fined and forced to give up or dispose of his dog. (County Code Sections 10.37.020. 10/37.040 - 10.37.150) Dogs In Open Vehicles: It is illegal to transport any dog in or on the back or bed of any open truck or other open vehicle while traveling on any county road, street, highway, lane or alley. Violation may result in citation, court appearance and fines of up to $250 per incident. EXCEPTION: Dogs may be transported if each animal is cross-tethered securely or the sides of the open vehicle are built up to a height of 46 inches (3-feet, 10-inches) (Vehicle Code Sec. 23117) Inhumane Treatment: State Penal Code Sec. 597 and County Code Sec. 10.12.160 forbid the abusing, mistreatment, torturing and subjecting any animal to needless suffering. These laws provide that no animal may be deprived of proper food, water or shelter. Violation of these laws can result in felony charges. Please report any case of inhumane animal treatment or neglect to your local animal control agency. The Leash Law: It is not permissible to let your dog run at large day or night, with or without a license (County Code Title 10, Section 10.32.010). Yearly Licensing Requirements: State law and county ordinances require that a dog license be purchased every year and be securely fastened to the dog's collar. Licenses are required at four months of age or older, even for dogs that never leave a house or yard. Failure to license your dog may result in citations, a court appearance and fines (Calif. Health and Safety Code Sec. 1920, Calif. Food and Agriculture Code Sec. 30502 and County Code Sec. 10.20.190). Cat licenses are also required in all county unincorporated areas and several contract cities. Providing Adequate Food And Water: All pet owners are required by law to provide their animals with adequate food and water. Failure to comply with this humane pet care measure is a violation of California Penal Code Sec. 597E and County Code Title 10, Sec. 10.40.010. Providing Proper Shelter: A dog must be provided access to shelter from extremes of heat or cold and rain at all times. (Calif. Penal Code Sec.597A and County Code Title 10, Sec. 10.40.010) Running At Large: No person who owns or has charge of a dog may allow the animal to run at large. Dogs must be kept on a leash at all times when out of their yards. Violation may result in a citation, court appearance and a fine of up to $250. (County Code Title 10, Sec. 10.32.010) Tethering Dogs: It is illegal to tether a dog to any stationary object, with certain exceptions. (Health & Safety Code, Sec. 122335) Vaccination Requirements: Rabies vaccinations are required for all dogs 4 months of age or older. Failure to comply may result in a citation and a court appearance. Vaccinations must be valid for the entire licensing period. (Calif. Health and Safety Code, Sec. 1920 and County Code Title 10, Sec. 10.20.220) |