Culver City Observer
March 18-24, 2010 Letter to the editor Culver City Welcomes Animal Services Officer Corolla Fleeger - And More News! Friends of Culver City Animals welcomes our new Culver City Animal Services Officer Corolla Fleeger who began working on behalf of our city's residents and animals on Tuesday, March 2, 2010. Officer Fleeger joins the Culver City Police Department after having worked in animal services for Orange County. She is a graduate of USC and has extensive experience working in animal welfare, including time spent as a volunteer in New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina. As always, members and supporters of Friends of Culver City Animals, who now exceed 2000 residents, look forward to assisting CCPD and Officer Fleeger in every way possible. During the interim period between the departure of Officer Stephanie Yarbro last December and the hiring of Officer Fleeger, the complaints against the costly and inefficient LA County Department of Animal Care and Control officers were numerous and ongoing. We know that Officer Fleeger will provide our taxpayers, pets and wildlife with excellent service at a more reasonable (and accountable) rate than that provided by LA County. Our animals will once again be taken directly to the excellent spcaLA shelter in Hawthorne, instead of being wrongly impounded and euthanized at the LA County Carson facility. At the present time, Officer Fleeger will be on duty Tuesday through Friday from 10:00 - 8:00, and supervised by Sgt. Mike Webb who is himself a trained humane officer. And more good news... Thanks to a vote taken by our City Council, Culver City pet licensing services are now provided by PetData, a company devoted exclusively to ensuring that pet licensing is easy and efficient. Cat licensing remains optional. Dog owners will now be able to complete applications, obtain renewal of licenses, get information and much more by simply clicking on, and under the "Select a City" link, choosing Culver City. Residents with questions can telephone PetData directly at (800) 738-3463 (toll-free) or (214) 821-3100, or send an email to [email protected]. The staff members at PetData are friendly, knowledgeable and accessible. Furthermore, volunteers at Friends of Culver City Animals are also available 24/7 to assist with pet licensing questions. Our toll-free telephone number is (888) 893-9909; email [email protected]. Not only is dog licensing the law, but national animal shelter statistics consistently prove that "if you license your dog, they'll come home; but if you don't, they are all alone". Deborah Weinrauch, Director Friends of Culver City Animals |