Culver City News
October 12, 2006 Letters to the Editor Local Animal Control in Torrance In response to Peggy Zimmerman's letter (Who to Call?, Sept. 28),1 have some exciting news to report. Last week I was fortunate enough to be invited by the Friends of Culver City Animals on an exploratory field trip to the Torrance Animal Control office. We were greeted by the mayor of Torrance, Frank Scotto, the police captain who set up the animal control program, John Neu, and the staff of four full time employees. The mayor proceeded to tell us of the overWhelming success of the program in Torrance and more importantly, how it is self-sufficient and not a financial burden to the city. Mayor Gary Silbiger was on hand to receive the information and I assume he will be reporting back to the other council members about his experience. One of the field officers told of a meeting with one of their council members, who had originally voted against the project on budgetary grounds, where she expressed a change of heart once she saw the success of the program. Of course the program succeeded due to the overWhelming support of the community - the same community support that I believe we already have here in Culver City. So there is hope on the horizon, Peggy, for all of God's creatures who are unable to help themselves. Mehaul O'Leary Culver City |